Declare County Hall A Climate Crime Scene

“Monday’s revelation that the fossil fuel industry has the largest delegation at COP26 is a stark reminder about the urgent need to break the political power of the fossil fuel companies, which have spent decades denying and delaying real action on the climate crisis. Breaking this political power is what the global divestment movement is all about.
Despite declaring a ‘climate emergency’ over two years ago, East Sussex County Council (ESCC) is still investing local people’s pensions in the giant oil companies – like Shell and BP – that are driving the climate crisis.
Moreover, it refuses to endorse the Climate & Ecological Emergency Bill – which would ensure that the UK plays its fair and proper role in limiting global warming to 1.5°C. And it’s done little or nothing to make its ‘target’ of reducing the County’s carbon emissions by 13% a year a reality.
This continued refusal to act is nothing less than criminal – so on Tuesday 7 December we’re going to declare County Hall a climate crime scene.
Specifically, together with XR Lewes we’re organising a peaceful mass encirclement of County Hall with ‘climate crime scene’ tape on the date of ESCC’s next Full Council meeting, Tuesday 7 December (assembling at 8.30am outside Lewes station).”
Hastings Green Party are signing up for this action and you are invited to join us. A group of us will be taking the train from St Leonards Warrior Square Railway Station. You can just turn up in the ticket hall, but it would be great if you could let us know you are coming. RSVP below.
Yes! I would like to attend the climate emergency crime scene.
We’ll be catching the 7.39am train from Hastings (7.42am from St Leonards Warrior Square). Please note: if you’re travelling from St Leonards then it’s cheaper to make an advance purchase of a Anytime Day Return from *Battle* to Lewes [£14.80] than to buy an Anytime Day Return from St Leonards Warrior Square to Lewes [£17.70]!
If you are joining at Warrior Square, Tracey Lord will be outside with the banner from 7.30am.
Hollington Stream Hike
To welcome new members and bring together old members, we will have a Green Party afternoon adventure through the woods of St Leonards.
Meet at 11am Saturday 27th November at West St Leonards railway station.
Buses #23, #98 and #99 or train from Ore, Hastings or Warrior Sq.
Expect conviviality, snippets of historical geography, natural history, new routes from here to there. See deep ghylls, ferns, hidden ways, protected and threatened woodlands. The walk is easy and only 3 miles. We end at Church Wood Community Orchard Tree Celebration.
Put on sturdy footwear. Bring a sandwich and water. We will bring the tea and cake!
Your tour guide is Emily.
Object now to planning application threatening marline valley nature reserve
Hastings Green Party opposes SeaChange Sussex’s planning application for a new business park at North Queensway. The proposed site is right next to Marline Valley nature reserve and SSSI, and Natural England has expressed ‘considerable concerns’ about the proposal, citing the risk of runoff from the site polluting the SSSI. Sussex Wildlife Trust, which leases Marline Valley from Hastings Borough Council, has objected to the application.
There is still time to object to this application. More details here about the proposal and how to object.
do you want to get greens elected in hastings? Join us!
On 6 May 2021, Julia Hilton was elected as Hastings’ first Green Borough and County councillor. It was a fantastic result for the Green party, but we’re keen that Julia is not a lone voice on Hastings Borough Council for long.
There are Borough council elections again next year, and we’d love to see more Greens elected: this would mean that the councillors would form a Green group and have the right to sit on committees.
But we can’t do it without a lot of support. We need organisers, leafleters, doorknockers, candidates and people willing to turn their hands to the many other tasks involved in a successful election campaign.
Want to join us? We have a business meeting once a month (at the White Rock hotel pre-covid, but currently on zoom), and plan to organise some outdoor gatherings over the summer. We’d love to hear from you. Find our details on the contacts page.

Hastings Greens after the election count
Thurs 29 April, 5.30-7pm
Doorknocking in central Old Hastings. Meet 5.30pm by benches at junction of High Street and The Bourne.
Sat 1 May, 10.30am-1.30pm
Doorknocking in upper part of Old Hastings ward (Clive Vale). Sign-up link and details.
Sun 2 May, 10.30am-2pm
Doorknocking in upper part of Old Hastings (Clive Vale). Sign-up link and details.