Julia Hilton
East Sussex County & Hastings Borough Councils
Cllr Julia Hilton is the Hastings Borough Council Councillor for Old Hastings, as well as the East Sussex County Councillor for Old Hastings and Tressell. Surgeries are held at the Isabel Blackman Centre on the first Saturday of the month from 11.00-12.00pm from 6 August 2022.
Hastings Borough Council matters cllr.julia.hilton@hastings.gov.uk
County council matters cllr.julia.hilton@eastsussex.gov.uk
07510 074280 Facebook Twitter

Glenn Haffenden
Hastings Borough Council
Cllr Glenn Haffenden is the Hastings Borough Council Councillor for Tressell. Glenn will be doing monthly surgeries. Please check his social media for surgery dates and venues as these will change.
07596322452 Facebook

Amanda Jobson
Hastings Borough Council
Cllr Amanda Jobson is the Hastings Borough Council Councillor for Gensing and sits on the Environment & Safety, Overview and Scrutiny, and Licensing committees.

Tony Collins
Hastings Borough Council
Cllr Tony Collins is the Hastings Borough Council Councillor for Central St Leonards and sits on the Planning, Audit, Licensing and Oversight & Scrutiny committees. Tony will be holding surgeries on the first Saturday of each month from 10am-12pm at Goat Ledge café.
07927 590191 Facebook

Becca Horn
Hastings Borough Council
Cllr Becca Horn is the Hastings Borough Council Councillor for Castle Ward.

Mark Etherington
Hastings Borough Council
Cllr Mark Etherington is the Hastings Borough Council Councillor for Braybrooke Ward.

Yunis Smith
Hastings Borough Council
Cllr Yunus Smith is the Hastings Borough Council Councillor for Baird Ward.

Adele Bates
Hastings Borough Council
Cllr Adele Bates is the Hastings Borough Council Councillor for Central St Leonards Ward.

Darren Mackenzie
Hastings Borough Council
Cllr Darren Mackenzie is the Hastings Borough Council Councillor for Maze Hill Ward.

Jo Walker
Hastings Borough Council
Cllr Jo Walker is the Hastings Borough Council Councillor for Ore Ward.

Paula Warne
Hastings Borough Council
Cllr Paula Warne is the Hastings Borough Council Councillor for Gensing Ward.

Hastings Borough Council
Cllr Natalie Gaimster is the Hastings Borough Council Councillor for Tressel Ward.