Cabinet Update 4 Nov 24


At last night’s meeting, our all-Green cabinet voted unanimously to uphold the results of the dog PSPO consultation, which saw Option 2 – removing the exclusion zone from both Rock-a-Nore and Stade beaches – favoured by 64% of respondents. The news heralded applause from members of the public who were in attendance.

Officers remarked that this consultation had seen an unprecedented interest with 2850 respondents – the council’s biggest consultation to date. However it was noted that this still only represents 2.5% of the borough’s total population. Cllr Adele Bates, whose portfolio includes Community Engagement, asked what could be learned from the relative success, and officers replied that they had used “local networks”, such as the Coastal Users Group, to help spread the word, along with seafront posters advertising the consultation.

Deputy Leader Glenn Haffenden commented,

“This issue is very specific. With the changes we’re making to the way we hold consultations, I’m hopeful that, for issues that impact a wider proportion of the population, such as the Corporate Plan, we’ll see an even greater engagement.”


Other items on the agenda included an update from Finance that the recent Government budget would cost the council an extra £250,000 for employer’s National Insurance. Leader of the Council, Julia Hilton, noted that no change to the Local Housing Allowance was a “huge gap in the budget”. Julia remarked,

“There is no rental housing available in Hastings at LHA rates. This will have a real detrimental impact on our residents.”

Cabinet also agreed to new local fees and charges, with many areas seeing little or no increase. Green Leader Julia Hilton said,

“The removal of charges for charity and community hire of our event spaces is most welcome”.

Cllr Darren Mackenzie, lead member on Finance, explained that the council were taking a different approach by conducting a “sensitivity analysis” of their rates to “strike the balance between ensuring financial stability and considering the needs of the town.”


Cabinet welcomed the council’s new, easier-to-view performance monitoring dashboard, which is available on the council’s website for everyone to view.

Cllr Bates commented that it was “much easier to read” and Cllr Mark Etherington praised the team, stating, “this really improves our transparency”. You can view the dashboard here.


30 minutes of each cabinet meeting are reserved for public questions – come along and ask yours!

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