Stand Up to Racism

Hastings Green Party wholeheartedly condemns the organised racist and Islamophobic acts of violence that we have seen in towns and cities across the country over the past week. Our town was named on a far-right target list: a threat designed to intimidate and cause terror within our local communities of colour, Muslims, refugees and migrants, and create division amongst us. Fortunately, that threat did not come to pass; instead, last night, hundreds turned out in peaceful solidarity.

Hastings is a proud community of sanctuary and embraces people of all races and faiths: there is no place for hatred, racism, or fascism in our town. Hastings Greens stand side-by-side with every person who feels the threat of these attacks. 

We support our police and emergency services who are working to protect our communities, and we commend and support all our volunteer organisations and individuals who are working to bring our communities together, to prevent division and hatred from taking hold here in Hastings.

As a political party, we are horrified that some politicians, as well as media commentators, have sought to justify and excuse this violence. There is no excuse for such acts. The rise of far-right fascism has been fueled by toxic and divisive rhetoric used within the previous government. For too long, people seeking asylum here have been used as a convenient diversion from the real truth: that austerity has shredded the fabric of our society, whilst lining the purses of the super-wealthy. It is therefore imperative that this new Government calls for Ministers to unite and condemn these attacks on our civil, peaceful democracy. We urge our MP and Government to call it what it is: it is not ‘protest’. Nor is it simply ‘thuggery’: these are organised, racist, political acts of terror, incited by those with fascist ideology and designed to create fear, division and oppression within our society. 

Hastings Greens say No to Fascism. We call for all perpetrators to face the full force of the law. 

Please join us at the Stand Up to Racism rally this Saturday 10th August in Hastings town centre (outside Owens) at 12pm.

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