Press Release — Hastings Green Party

Yesterday evening at an Extraordinary Full Council meeting, Green Group Leader Julia Hilton was voted in as Leader of the council to lead an interim administration until the local elections in May. 

Julia said:

‘This solution has been reached after lengthy discussions with all political groups.  I had hoped to be able to form a unity cabinet with representation from all four groups, including Labour and Conservative, but that has not proved possible. This interim administration is one that all groups have said they can live with for the next few months until the May elections, to give much-needed stability to the council. The final cabinet is still to be agreed but it will be made up of members of the Green Party and the recently formed Hastings Independent Group.

‘My focus for the months to the elections in May will be on securing the financial future of the council and working on the ambitious plans to tackle the housing crisis.

‘Part of the problem we have had, in tackling these issues, relates to our current clunky cabinet system of decision-making. Hastings Green Party has long called for a move to a more democratic and transparent committee system. The aim is for all councillors to have a voice in decision-making. With four political groups as well as individual independents now sitting on the council, it’s essential that we develop a more inclusive and consensual decision-making process. I hope that this short period before the May local elections can allow us to start making that change, and I look forward to working with all councillors to develop that new political culture. 

‘Residents want to see their councillors working together in the running of our council for the good of the town. Our priority as a councillor body must be to ensure the council can survive and thrive, emerging from the latest set of financial challenges even leaner but nimble and agile to work with partners and create a thriving and flourishing future for the town and its residents.’

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