Hastings Green Party https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/ The borough’s fastest-growing political party. Fri, 21 Mar 2025 12:39:47 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2023/05/cropped-GreenPartySquare-32x32.png Hastings Green Party https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/ 32 32 OUR RESPONSE TO THE GOVERNMENT’S MAYORAL COMBINED COUNTY AUTHORITY CONSULTATION FOR SUSSEX https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/2025/03/21/our-response-to-the-governments-mayoral-combined-county-authority-consultation-for-sussex/ Fri, 21 Mar 2025 12:35:52 +0000 https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/?p=2596 by Hastings Green Group of Councillors Hastings Green Group proposes to submit the following responses to the seven consultation questions:  Question 1: To what extent do you agree or disagree that establishing a Mayoral Combined County Authority over the proposed geography will deliver benefits to the area?  Whilst Hastings Green Group broadly agree that the […]


by Hastings Green Group of Councillors

Hastings Green Group proposes to submit the following responses to the seven consultation questions: 

Question 1: To what extent do you agree or disagree that establishing a Mayoral Combined County Authority over the proposed geography will deliver benefits to the area? 

Whilst Hastings Green Group broadly agree that the establishment of an MCCA has the potential to deliver benefits for the area, we have grave concerns about the process for establishing this new authority. We call for the whole process to prioritise democratic accountability, inclusivity, local oversight, and sustainability, ensuring that devolution is truly a transfer of power to communities, not just a reshuffling of centralised authority. 

The current proposals for the election of the Mayor themselves holds various barriers to democracy. The current cost of standing for metro mayoral elections in England is a £5,000 deposit plus £5,000 contribution for inclusion in a candidate booklet. This is twenty times higher than standing to be an MP and deters capable individuals from running for office. Reducing the financial barriers to standing for election would foster greater participation and diversity among candidates, strengthening democracy. Whilst discouraging frivolous candidates may be important, alternatives to a high financial bar, such as the 100 nominating electorate signatures already required for Police and Crime Commissioner elections, would ensure legitimacy of candidates without economic discrimination.

Furthermore, current spending limits for mayoral elections are excessively high, there are no caps on single donors and loopholes allow foreign interests to donate. Given the powerful strategic role a Mayor will play in place-shaping, transport and economic growth for Sussex, the potential for outsized influence over strategic decisions is a significant concern. Therefore, we call for lower campaign spending limits, a cap on single donations, a lower donor reporting threshold and mandating business donors to fully active UK companies only.

Finally, the electoral system for Mayor should not be First Past The Post. This system returns poor democratic engagement – for example, the most recent mayoral election saw a candidate elected on just a 27% turnout. Instead, we need to use the Alternative Vote system as advocated for by the Electoral Reform Society.

Question 2: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the proposed governance arrangements for the Mayoral Combined County Authority? 

Hastings Green Group strongly disagree with the current proposed governance arrangements for the MCCA. Firstly, in the interim arrangement, the role of district councils is diminished unless they are fully represented and as non-constituent members are given full-voting rights on any decision making. As it stands, “non-constituent members can be given voting rights at the discretion of the Combined County Authority”. We think this must be applied.  

Secondly, the proposed membership of the MCCA is too small, with only two members per unitary authority. This could result in a cabinet of just 6 across the whole of Sussex, once the new unitaries are established. Hastings Green Group call for the establishment of a ‘Sussex Assembly’, similar to the Greater London Assembly, as a proper body to hold this Mayor to account, with its own overview and scrutiny procedures. This Assembly should be elected by proportional representation such as Single Transferrable Vote.

Question 3: To what extent do you agree or disagree that working across the proposed geography through the Mayoral Combined County Authority will support the economy of the area? 

Hastings Green Group agree that strategic working across Sussex to integrate services such as transport, skills and education could greatly support the economy of some areas, however we are concerned that coastal areas such as Hastings may continue to be neglected and underfunded. We need confirmation from government as to how an MCCA would support the economy specifically in Hastings. We welcome the ambition to provide employment support and upskill local individuals to match employer needs in the area – this is desperately needed in Hastings. We need to see a clear plan for prioritising areas such as Hastings that are lagging behind in skills and education provision.

Question 4: To what extent do you agree or disagree that working across the proposed geography through the Mayoral Combined County Authority will improve social outcomes in the area? 

Hastings Green Group broadly agree that there is the potential to improve social outcomes in the area through the Integrated Care Partnership and that this could help strengthen the focus and increase the joined-up action to address issues around ill health and inequalities. We note that the consultation recognises this is particularly important for coastal communities. However, whilst the government’s white paper mentions “a new bespoke duty in relation to health improvement and health inequalities” to ensure MCCAs “have regard to the need to improve health…  and reduce health inequalities”, we think this duty is weak, and that the focus on addressing health inequalities must be clearly embedded within the Mayor’s required Local Growth Plan and Development Strategies. For example, the consultation mentions a key focus for the MCCA will be on addressing the housing crisis, which we know has direct impact on people’s health and wellbeing. However, it is not yet clear how this will be addressed, and it is critical that the wider determinants of health such as housing, education, skills, jobs, and social care are addressed holistically. 

Question 5: To what extent do you agree or disagree that working across the proposed geography through a Mayoral Combined County Authority will improve local government services in the area? 

Hastings Green Group understand that the additional devolved funding to the MCCA has the potential to redirect essential spend to support delivery of critical services. This will require substantial cooperative working between the MCCA and the current district councils firstly, then later the newly established unitary authorities, and we are concerned that the framework for these partnerships between local, place-based councils providing services and the new strategic authority has not yet been established as part of the plan. We refer to our response to Question 2 and our concerns around governance. 

Question 6: To what extent do you agree or disagree that working across the proposed geography through a Mayoral Combined County Authority will improve the local natural environment and overall national environment? 

Hastingss Green Group agree that establishing a MCCA presents a rare opportunity to secure integrated, coordinated and effective locally-led climate action across Sussex. However we are seriously concerned that, while the Government’s White Paper envisages Strategic Authorities having a local role in climate and nature action, there are no statutory duties to produce local climate and nature strategies alongside the proposed duties to produce a Local Growth Plan and a Spatial Development Strategy. Neither does it propose to include key climate and nature objectives in the new “accountability” and “outcomes” frameworks. These measures are essential to ensure delivery of the UK’s legally binding climate targets.

We therefore want to see the new MCCA adopt the six key recommendations to Government set out by the South East Climate Alliance, which include establishing statutory climate and nature duties for Strategic Authorities and embedding climate and nature outcomes in the proposed settlement framework. Furthermore, a commitment to providing  the necessary funding for Strategic Authorities to deliver on legally binding net zero targets must be made. We would like to see assurances that the establishment of a Local Power Plan and Warm Homes Plan would result in additional funding to the area to enact these plans.  

We would like to see a Climate Change Officers Committee established from representatives of the current district, boroughs and county council, with recommendations going to a political Climate Change Committee. We would also like to see the MCCA review and adopt the individual Climate Change Action Plans of the Constituent and Non-Constituent Members into a Sussex-wide Action Plan, to join together the similar actions of each council and, alongside additional funding support, pave the way for greater buying power and faster deployment of the actions. 

Question 7: To what extent do you agree or disagree that working across the proposed geography through the Mayoral Combined County Authority will support the interests and needs of local communities and reflect local identities? 

Hastings Green Group believe that changes must be made to the proposals in order to provide assurance that the interests, needs and identities of local communities will be supported. We strongly disagree with the proposed name for the MCCA as ‘Sussex and Brighton’, as this shows preferential treatment for Brighton over all other areas of Sussex. We think it should simply be named the ‘Sussex Combined County Authority’.

If our concerns outlined in the questions above are properly addressed, and the changes we’ve suggested are made to both the electoral process and the governance structure of the new MCCA, then we can envisage that a Sussex MCCA could be a powerful tool to move us further towards empowered local communities thriving in balance with the breath-taking green and blue spaces that Sussex residents cherish and enjoy.

Have your say: respond to the government’s consultation by 13th April here.


Greens commit to “Community-Powered Approach” to council reorganisation https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/2025/03/21/greens-commit-to-community-powered-approach-to-council-reorganisation/ Fri, 21 Mar 2025 12:27:32 +0000 https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/?p=2594 At Wednesday’s full council meeting, Green Leader Julia Hilton outlined the agreed principles for undertaking the Labour government’s requirements for a new unitary authority to replace all the current councils in East Sussex, including Hasting Borough Council. “This is our chance to create thriving, empowered communities in Hastings.” – CLLR JULIA HILTON Julia pledged the […]

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At Wednesday’s full council meeting, Green Leader Julia Hilton outlined the agreed principles for undertaking the Labour government’s requirements for a new unitary authority to replace all the current councils in East Sussex, including Hasting Borough Council.

“This is our chance to create thriving, empowered communities in Hastings.” – CLLR JULIA HILTON

Julia pledged the council’s commitment to taking a “community-powered approach” to the redesign of services, and “lobbying hard for any new council to be based in Hastings”.

Julia praised councillors across all parties for “their passion and commitment” to making the most of the imposed changes, and confirmed meeting with local businesses and voluntary sector partners to ask for their input. “While none of this is of our choosing, it’s important that we use our shared skills and knowledge to design a more integrated future for Hastings and empower our communities to be a part of it.

“Hastings needs a much stronger voice on skills and education provision, for example, and we must tackle inequalities and increase citizen engagement in decision-making.”

While the geography for the new council is not yet agreed, Julia was firm that function and design must come first, and the size of the council must be based on clear evidence. “We’re looking at three options – this is a start. Now we must do the hard work of putting evidence together.”


Strong calls were made to the Labour Government to provide funding to support the reorganisation process. Green Cllr Becca Horn remarked, “This is another full-time job for our officers while they’re still trying to deliver day-to-day services.” Julia called the lack of a commitment to proper reform of local government finance a “travesty” when “four out of the six councils in East Sussex run out of money in two years’ time.”

Discussions were also had around the proposed Mayoral Combined Authority for the whole of Sussex, with Green councillors calling for a clear legal duty on tackling inequality, a statutory climate and nature duty, and insisting the new Mayor must have an ‘assembly-style’ authority, elected by proportional representation, to hold them properly to account.

Want to have your say on the new Mayor of Sussex? The Government consultation is open until 13th April. Read the Green Response and then share your own views here.

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GREENS PASS “STRONG & ROBUST” COUNCIL BUDGET AND ANNOUNCE FIVE-YEAR VISION FOR HASTINGS https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/2025/02/13/greens-pass-strong-robust-council-budget-and-announce-five-year-vision-for-hastings/ Thu, 13 Feb 2025 10:25:30 +0000 https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/?p=2574 Green-led Hastings Borough Council has passed what’s been hailed as the most comprehensive and robust budget the council has seen in years. Finance Lead Cllr Darren Mackenzie praised officers, saying, “Our new ‘zero-based’ approach has made a real difference: it shows us the reality of our situation. This is a far more pragmatic approach, allowing […]


Green-led Hastings Borough Council has passed what’s been hailed as the most comprehensive and robust budget the council has seen in years.

Finance Lead Cllr Darren Mackenzie praised officers, saying, “Our new ‘zero-based’ approach has made a real difference: it shows us the reality of our situation. This is a far more pragmatic approach, allowing us to be better prepared, and take measures to mitigate risk.” Darren added, “In Year One, we’re looking at a net deficit of £29,000. Compared with last year’s net deficit of £1.6 million, that’s a big drop. A break-even budget is a huge accomplishment.”


The council also passed its five-year Corporate Plan, shaping its priorities for years to come. The Five Priorities are:

1. A financially stable council that delivers high quality, responsive services in cooperation with local people;

2. Tackling homelessness and ensuring good-quality housing;

3. Tackling poverty and inequality;

4. Taking action to tackle the climate and nature crisis;

5. Encouraging and supporting a sense of pride in our town.

Julia said, “This plan sets out our vision for a Hastings that residents are proud of, where they feel safe, valued and heard. Where everyone can live healthy, fulfilling lives, no matter who they are or where they’ve come from.

“I’m grateful for comments from residents, businesses, councillors and officers alike. We will now set about our Delivery Plan, detailing how we intend to meet our goals. This administration makes no apologies for prioritising financial stability – without that, we can’t achieve any of our priorities to make Hastings the thriving town we all want to see.”


Julia thanked HBC’s Housing Team for their incredible efforts to stabilise temporary accommodation numbers, “bucking the national trend of a 16% rise”. Julia warned, “40% of our net budget is being spent on housing our homeless – the pressure is unrelenting. This is a national crisis situation – but the Government doesn’t even have a homelessness strategy. They have still not addressed the Local Housing Allowance, which does not meet local rents.”

Adding to the council’s financial pressure is the forthcoming imposed local government reorganisation, on which Julia said, “It is disappointing that the Government is providing no funding for us to deliver these proposals to their ferocious timeline. Their letter this week confirms they expect us to use our reserves.”

Julia added, “Despite this, we are keen to facilitate as much community consultation as we can in this process. We want to ensure residents can influence where and how their local services are run. At the very least, we should be lobbying the Government to fund their reorganisation vision.”


Labour cancels East Sussex County Council Elections https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/2025/02/05/labour-cancels-east-sussex-county-council-elections/ Wed, 05 Feb 2025 14:27:21 +0000 https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/?p=2564 “People are being denied their right to decide what happens in Hastings” Green Leader for Hastings Borough Council Julia Hilton says, following today’s Government announcement that the East Sussex County Council elections in May have been cancelled. “People must be allowed to vote at the local elections in May. The big parties in Westminster claim […]

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“People are being denied their right to decide what happens in Hastings”

Green Leader for Hastings Borough Council Julia Hilton says, following today’s Government announcement that the East Sussex County Council elections in May have been cancelled.

“People must be allowed to vote at the local elections in May. The big parties in Westminster claim they want to devolve more power to local councils, but now, by cancelling due elections, both Labour and Conservatives are responsible for the biggest removal of power away from local people in recent history.”

“This gives the failing Conservative administration in East Sussex a free pass. Only an election in May can hold them accountable for the last four years of poor decision-making and disregard for Hastings. Our fragile democracy can’t afford to ignore the people’s right to vote.

“Green candidates give people a real alternative to the failed Tory and Labour parties, and the Green Party will always defend local decision-making.

“With a five-fold increase in Green councillor numbers over the last five local elections, it does look like the two big parties are running scared of facing the voters.” 

National Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay MP said, “How can the government claim an electoral mandate for these major local government changes if those most impacted see their elections cancelled? 

“The Green Party is urging the government to save our democracy, allow these long-planned elections to take place and get around the table to discuss how to make devolution work for people in local areas across the country.

“We want decisions made closest to where they have the greatest impact with significant devolution of powers and funding from Westminster. Without that, people will grow ever more cynical about politics.”

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STATEMENT ON UNIVERSITY OF BRIGHTON ACADEMY TRUST https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/2025/01/21/statement-on-university-of-brighton-academy-trust/ Tue, 21 Jan 2025 22:08:50 +0000 https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/?p=2553 The Green Party of Hastings and Rye is pleased to see the trustees of the University of Brighton Academy Trust announce in a letter to staff and parents that they do not have faith in the leadership of the Trust. The leadership are unable to ensure “that every academy is able to deliver the best […]

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The Green Party of Hastings and Rye is pleased to see the trustees of the University of Brighton Academy Trust announce in a letter to staff and parents that they do not have faith in the leadership of the Trust.

The leadership are unable to ensure “that every academy is able to deliver the best education possible for all its young people” or ensure the staff who work in the academies in the Trust have “the resources to support this.”

Green Council Leader Julia Hilton says, “The Academies ‘project’ is clearly not working for Hastings. I have asked our MP Helena Dollimore to consider bringing an amendment to The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill to allow failing academy schools to be brought back under local authority control.”

Secondary schools in Hastings are failing our children, with every one ‘requiring improvement’ according to OFSTED. The Green Party believes we must remove the ‘business model’ from the education system. Julia, who is also a County Councillor, says, “Real change would be for East Sussex County Council to establish a non-profit Local Authority Trust and transfer these now discarded schools back under an authority answerable to elected members of the county council.”

The Green Party of Hastings and Rye send its support and solidarity to the National Education Union (NEU), whose tireless campaigning has brought national attention to this issue.

After a Freedom of Information request, made by the previous MP for Hastings and Rye Sally-Ann Hart, revealed the Trust had diverted finances away from schools to its central services, the NEU conducted five days of industrial action to highlight the impact this had on working terms and conditions.

Julia adds, “Greens stood side-by-side with the NEU during this action, and we stand with their call to put the young people of Hastings and St Leonards’ educations first.”

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devolution & local government reorganisation https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/2025/01/21/devolution-local-government-reorganisation/ Tue, 21 Jan 2025 21:58:34 +0000 https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/?p=2551 9th January 2025 Cllr Julia Hilton, Leader of Hastings Borough Council, condemns Tory plans to cancel East Sussex County Council’s elections East Sussex Conservatives today voted to use the government’s recently announced shake-up of local councils as a means to suspend the May 2025 County elections. If agreed by Government, this would keep them in […]

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9th January 2025

Cllr Julia Hilton, Leader of Hastings Borough Council, condemns Tory plans to cancel East Sussex County Council’s elections

East Sussex Conservatives today voted to use the government’s recently announced shake-up of local councils as a means to suspend the May 2025 County elections. If agreed by Government, this would keep them in power at ESCC for at least two more years.

The dying Conservative regime – which has spent the last ten years resisting meaningful climate action – has been hanging onto power by a thread since 2023. If the elections are cancelled, they would be the ones to decide who leads the creation of a new mega-council, sweeping away Hastings and all the other district and borough councils in East and West Sussex.

The Green Group of Councillors called for today’s Extraordinary General Meeting at County Hall in Lewes, in order that the full council could at least debate the matter. Other parties joined the Greens in supporting their motion to reject the Conservative plan to request cancellation of the elections in order to make the priority list for devolution. They argued that the devolution process could still happen without cancelling the elections. Sadly, they lost the vote 23-21.

Greens across Eas Sussex have come together to write to the Minister for Local Government, asking that he reject ESCC’s request. You can write too using our template here.

The Government’s decision should be announced by the end of the month.

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FULL COUNCIL 20TH NOVEMBER 2024 (2) https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/2024/11/21/full-council-20th-november-2024-2/ Thu, 21 Nov 2024 16:54:28 +0000 https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/?p=2508 GREENS GET CLIMATE & NATURE MOTION PASSED At last night’s full council, Green Cllr Amanda Jobson saw her motion for Hastings Borough Council to back the Parliamentary Climate & Nature (CAN) Bill finally voted through, having been delayed since July. In an impassioned speech introducing the motion, Cllr Jobson said, “This bill is already backed […]

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At last night’s full council, Green Cllr Amanda Jobson saw her motion for Hastings Borough Council to back the Parliamentary Climate & Nature (CAN) Bill finally voted through, having been delayed since July.

In an impassioned speech introducing the motion, Cllr Jobson said, “This bill is already backed by 250 cross-party MPs and peers. 1200 scientists have written to Parliament. Here in Hastings, floods, coastal erosion and landslides have already impacted lives. In 2019, we declared a climate emergency… now, business as usual is not good enough.”

Cllr Jobson urged all councillors to join her in backing her motion. She concluded, “I’m doing this for my children, and for future generations.”

The motion includes a commitment to support the CAN Bill and urge MP Helena Dollimore, who has not yet pledged her support, to do the same. It also commits the council to setting up a Climate Action working group, create a Climate Adaptation plan and seek funding for climate action. The motion was passed with 17 votes For, 0 Against, and 11 abstentions. 

The decision was met with cheers from Standing Up For Nature campaigners in the public gallery.

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FULL COUNCIL 20TH NOVEMBER 2024 https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/2024/11/21/full-council-20th-november-2024/ Thu, 21 Nov 2024 14:44:46 +0000 https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/?p=2505 GREENS URGE SUPPORT FOR LETTER TO PM ON GAZA At LAST NIGHT’S Full Council, Green Council Leader Julia Hilton read out a letter to Prime Minister Kier Starmer addressing the crisis in Gaza, Palestine, Israel and Lebanon. The letter – which has so far been agreed by the Labour group leader and the Mayor – […]

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At LAST NIGHT’S Full Council, Green Council Leader Julia Hilton read out a letter to Prime Minister Kier Starmer addressing the crisis in Gaza, Palestine, Israel and Lebanon.

The letter – which has so far been agreed by the Labour group leader and the Mayor – calls for a multilateral ceasefire, an end to arms exports and the upholding of international law. The full letter reads:

“Dear Prime Minister,

We are writing this letter to you today as leaders of the political groups on Hastings Borough Council representing our community deeply committed to justice, peace, and human dignity. The escalating crisis in the Middle East, particularly in Gaza, Palestine, Israel, and Lebanon, demands our immediate and unwavering attention. The events following the horrific attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023, have led to unprecedented devastation. In Gaza, the situation has deteriorated alarmingly.

In Hastings, we feel this tragedy acutely. Our town is home to diverse communities, including those with ties to the Middle East, as well as British Jewish and Muslim residents. The conflict’s reverberations are felt here, and we must ensure it does not sow division among us.

Our connection to the region is profound. For over three years, Hastings has nurtured a friendship link with the community of Al-Mawasi in Gaza. This relationship has facilitated cultural exchange and provided much-needed humanitarian aid. In the wake of the recent bombings, our commitment to Al-Mawasi has only deepened, as we strive to support our friends in their time of need.

Prime Minister, we call upon your government to take decisive action:

1. Pursue Peace: Advocate for a multilateral ceasefire to halt the bloodshed and establish a foundation for lasting peace in the region.

2. Humanitarian Aid, Not Arms: Cease arms exports to any party involved in the conflict and prioritise humanitarian assistance to alleviate suffering.

3. Uphold International Law: Utilise all diplomatic and legal measures to ensure accountability for violations of international law and to defend the principles of justice.

4. Support Local and Global Connections: Recognise and promote initiatives like Friendship links as powerful tools for fostering empathy, understanding, and tangible aid to those in need.

Hastings is a small town with a big heart. Through the friendship shared between our community groups and Al-Mawasi, we have demonstrated the power of community solidarity. However, meaningful, lasting change requires leadership at national and international levels.

Prime Minister, we urge you to demonstrate that leadership. Britain must stand firmly on the side of humanity, justice, and peace, offering hope to the people of Gaza and beyond. Let our community in Hastings inspire the nation to build bridges, not walls, and to seek unity where there is division.

Thank you.”

Cllr Hilton said, “I hope all group leaders will join me in signing this letter.”

Last week, Green MPs wrote to foreign secretary David Lammy, urging him to clarify the UK government’s position on the risk of genocide in Gaza and what might trigger the UK’s obligation to take action to prevent genocide.

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https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/2024/11/18/2502/ Mon, 18 Nov 2024 11:28:30 +0000 https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/?p=2502 Greens get agreement from Southern Water CEO to ‘reconsider’ compensation for householders Green-led Hastings Borough Council called Southern Water to their second public council meeting last Monday, to face further scrutiny over their long-awaited detailed plan for Hastings. In the public meeting, it was clear that Southern Water were trying to move on from past […]

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Greens get agreement from Southern Water CEO to ‘reconsider’ compensation for householders

Green-led Hastings Borough Council called Southern Water to their second public council meeting last Monday, to face further scrutiny over their long-awaited detailed plan for Hastings.

In the public meeting, it was clear that Southern Water were trying to move on from past failings, stating that their new management team came with “good intentions”. CEO Lawrence Gosden said, “It’s not of our doing but we’re here to fix it.” Several councillors proclaimed a “lack of trust” and Green Cllr Becca Horn appealed directly to Mr Gosden to revisit the issue of householder compensation for the water outage in May. Becca said, “You want us to draw a line in the sand, and move forward – but this is preventing us. My plea is that you go back to your maths book and see what you can do.” Mr Gosden agreed to do just that.

On the flooding, Mr Gosden admitted that the manhole on South Terrace “should never have been built.” When asked about flood victims being unable to get insurance for their homes, Mr Gosden stated that residents could now go back to their insurers as the problem had been resolved. “They should not be getting high premiums now that the asset has been fixed.”

Regarding water pollution, councillors and members of the public alike pressed Southern Water for their ‘plan’ for Old Roar Gill, which they have now agreed to collate and share in their six-monthly updates to HBC. When criticised over their timeline for reducing bathing water pollution as “too little, too late”, Southern Water’s Managing Director of Wastewater, John Penicud, promised to set up a meeting with their Clean Rivers and Seas team to go through “the full plan for Hastings.”

Reflecting on the meeting, Green Councillor Mark Etherington, who holds Southern Water in his portfolio, said, “I’m pleased that our administration has managed to get their Senior Leadership to come into council twice now, and to commit to six-monthly updates. This seems to me to be essential. Though there is still much scrutiny to be done – and reparations to be made – we gradually make progress. Clearly, the level of debt in Southern Water raises concerns about the viability of their ambitious renewal and renovation plans – and the potential impact of increased bills on our residents. We will continue to closely scrutinise Southern Water’s performance.”

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Cabinet Update 4 Nov 24 https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/2024/11/06/cabinet-update-4-nov-24/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 11:45:20 +0000 https://hastings.greenparty.org.uk/?p=2491 DOGS PERMITTED RETURN TO OLD TOWN BEACHES IN SUMMER At last night’s meeting, our all-Green cabinet voted unanimously to uphold the results of the dog PSPO consultation, which saw Option 2 – removing the exclusion zone from both Rock-a-Nore and Stade beaches – favoured by 64% of respondents. The news heralded applause from members of […]

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At last night’s meeting, our all-Green cabinet voted unanimously to uphold the results of the dog PSPO consultation, which saw Option 2 – removing the exclusion zone from both Rock-a-Nore and Stade beaches – favoured by 64% of respondents. The news heralded applause from members of the public who were in attendance.

Officers remarked that this consultation had seen an unprecedented interest with 2850 respondents – the council’s biggest consultation to date. However it was noted that this still only represents 2.5% of the borough’s total population. Cllr Adele Bates, whose portfolio includes Community Engagement, asked what could be learned from the relative success, and officers replied that they had used “local networks”, such as the Coastal Users Group, to help spread the word, along with seafront posters advertising the consultation.

Deputy Leader Glenn Haffenden commented,

“This issue is very specific. With the changes we’re making to the way we hold consultations, I’m hopeful that, for issues that impact a wider proportion of the population, such as the Corporate Plan, we’ll see an even greater engagement.”


Other items on the agenda included an update from Finance that the recent Government budget would cost the council an extra £250,000 for employer’s National Insurance. Leader of the Council, Julia Hilton, noted that no change to the Local Housing Allowance was a “huge gap in the budget”. Julia remarked,

“There is no rental housing available in Hastings at LHA rates. This will have a real detrimental impact on our residents.”

Cabinet also agreed to new local fees and charges, with many areas seeing little or no increase. Green Leader Julia Hilton said,

“The removal of charges for charity and community hire of our event spaces is most welcome”.

Cllr Darren Mackenzie, lead member on Finance, explained that the council were taking a different approach by conducting a “sensitivity analysis” of their rates to “strike the balance between ensuring financial stability and considering the needs of the town.”


Cabinet welcomed the council’s new, easier-to-view performance monitoring dashboard, which is available on the council’s website for everyone to view.

Cllr Bates commented that it was “much easier to read” and Cllr Mark Etherington praised the team, stating, “this really improves our transparency”. You can view the dashboard here.


30 minutes of each cabinet meeting are reserved for public questions – come along and ask yours!

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